The University of North Texas Libraries’ Dean’s Innovation Grant, formerly known as the Green Light To Greatness Award, provides funding to research and projects within the UNT Libraries that promote scholarship and contribute to the gathering of knowledge that helps improve our libraries, our university, and the community.
Dean’s Innovation Grant 2016 Awardees
Kevin Yanowski, Robbie Sittel, Betty Monterroso
Project Title
Using technology to enhance discovery, access, and use
Project Description
The UNT Digital Library is home to thousands of resources, measuring upwards of 38,000 items. The goal of this project was to determine if access and use of these numerous digital library collections would increase by creating and making catalog records available for items within the library.
Contributor Biographies
Kevin Yanowski is the Catalog Management Librarian in Cataloging and Metadata Services. He received his Master of Information Science and his Digital Content Management Certification from UNT.
Roberta Sittel is the Department Head in the Government Information Connection. She received her Master of Information and Library Science from UNT.
Betty Monterroso is the Government Information Specialist for the Government Information Connection.