Patent Collection Metadata Guidelines
Before You Start
Sign in to the editing system
Remember: username is first initial and last name
Choose a record that has not been edited by clicking on the title/thumbnail
Unedited records will have only the patent number/all digits as the title, e.g.: 00005661 or 01056778
Note: If another editor is already working on a record, a lock icon will display on the thumbnail in the Dashboard list
Do not choose a record labeled “SKIP” in the title – these records have known problems or special considerations
In the item summary click “View Item” or in the record, click on the thumbnail (upper-right side of the screen) to see all of the pages
Skim the pages of the patent to make sure that there are no problems (e.g., all of the pages are included and the text/illustrations match)
Double-check that the inventor (or a personal assignee) is from Texas by looking at the statement near the top of the text, where the inventor and patent title are listed
If you find any of these problems (before or after you start), add a note to the title (e.g., “##### – SKIP pages mismatched” or “Garden-Hose – SKIP inventor is not from Texas”) and leave the patent hidden without completing the record
Look at the pages of the patent and enter information step-by-step into each field as described below
You can view the pages by clicking on the thumbnail in the record
It may be helpful to look at the example values included with the guidelines to verify formatting
These slides show visual examples of where to find information in the patents
There is a video tutorial if you would like to see an example record from start to finish
Some information has been pre-filled in every record
Do not change pre-set information unless there are instructions to do so
Some fields will not change:
Publisher - United States. Patent Office.
Language - English
Collection - Texas Patents
Institution - UNT Libraries GovDocs Department
Resource Type - Patent
Format - Text
Always enter separate information (e.g., multiple names, titles, keywords, etc.) as separate entries in the field
Click on the + sign at the bottom of the field to add a new entry
More about adding multiple entries can be found here: Help Guide
For each field, read the instructions below and review the examples
To find more information on formatting for any field, read the appropriate page in the full guidelines
Click on the “more guidelines” links on this page or
Click on the “More” link at the top of the field in the editing form
Guidelines |
Examples |
All Names
These are general guidelines for both creators and contributors, but more specific information is included for each of those fields individually
Guidelines |
Examples |
Guidelines |
Examples |
Guidelines |
Examples |
Guidelines |
Examples |
Submission Date: 1873-04-05 |
Content Description
Guidelines |
Examples |
Add a brief (usually 1-2 sentence) description explaining what the patent is for |
Patent for a new medical compound to treat chills and fevers which lists the ingredients and dosages. |
Try to note what makes the invention unique, as far as you can determine; for example, there are many variations on farm equipment and tools, but the text will generally note that the particular design is cheaper, more versatile, easier to build or use, more efficient, etc. |
Patent for a new windmill design with different sails and connections, including illustrations. |
If you quote the text, be sure to cite it |
Patent for “a new and improved mode of dressing millstones for the purpose of grinding every kind of grain into meal flour &c., &c.” (lines 4-7) including instructions and illustrations. |
Physical Description
There is a placeholder for physical description: [1], # p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Here is what each part means:
[1], |
# p. |
: ill. |
; 23 cm. |
Number of unpaginated pages |
# of paginated text pages |
: item has illustrations |
; pages are 23 cm. tall (Note: this never changes) |
Adjust the physical description as necessary (see table below)
Note that as a general rule, illustrations and text are always numbered separately
Base number of pages on last paginated page of each section; if there is a page “2” then the preceding page is “1” even if no number is printed
Parts of physical description |
Examples |
Basic |
# illustrated pages |
# text pages |
item is illustrated |
h in cm. |
[1] |
# p. |
: ill. |
; 23 cm. |
[1], 3 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. |
(1 unpaginated illustration page, 3 paginated text pages : text has illustrations ; 23 cm. tall) |
Variations |
remove if no illustrations |
– |
remove if no illustrations |
– |
2 p. ; 23 cm. |
(2 paginated text pages with no illustrations ; 23 cm. tall) |
no brackets if illustrations are numbered |
– |
– |
– |
3 sheets, 3 p. : ill ; 23 cm. |
(3 paginated illustration pages labeled “sheet 1-3”, 3 paginated text pages : text has illustrations ; 23 cm. tall) |
– |
use brackets if un-numbered |
– |
– |
[1] p. ; 23 cm. |
(1 unpaginated text page with no illustrations ; 23 cm. tall) |
– |
– |
– |
[2] p. : ill. ; 23 cm. |
(1 unpaginated illustration and 1 unpaginated text page : text has illustrations ; 23 cm. tall) |
Guidelines |
Examples |
The general terms that are pre-populated in the records may remain, but you should add at least 1-2 more-specific subjects for locating the particular patent |
UNTL-BS (University of North Texas Libraries Browse Subjects |
LCSH (Library of Congress Subject Headings) |
Primary Source
Make sure that “Yes” is checked
Place Name
Guidelines |
Examples |
Guidelines |
Examples |
The patent number has been automatically entered
Guidelines |
Examples |
Saving the Record
When all fields are completed, skim through the record to check for errors (e.g., typos, incorrect spacing, missing information, etc.)
If everything is correct, select the radio button next to “Visible” to make the record public (in the upper-right side of the form, near the thumbnail)
Click “Publish”
If you would like to see the live record, click the “View Online” link at the top of the success page
Clicking publish saves a new version of the record. Do not publish the record if you have not made changes (the system will save a duplicate copy every time).
Saving the record is separate from the visible/hidden flag; you can publish the record and leave it “hidden,” but it will not be findable by the public.
Records can still be edited after they are visible – you have the ability to edit any records in the collection. Just note that if you have criteria set in the Dashboard (e.g., “only hidden records”) you may have to adjust them to see previously-edited items.
Special Cases
Here are some completed records (non-exhaustive list) that provide additional examples of situations that you might see in patents.
Record |
Example of: |
Improvement in Medical Compounds of Bitters for Treading Chills and Fever. |
Improved Method of Feathering the Sails of Vanes of Windmills. |
Plow. <> __ |
Video Tutorial
This video tutorial walks through the creation of this record for a “cotton gin” patent. (You can look at the completed record values if you want to follow along.)