Input Guidelines for Descriptive Metadata


These are the current UNT Libraries’ guidelines for creating metadata, broken down by individual fields. They are based on a modified Dublin Core structure, but include more specific local instructions and precedents that wider standards do not address.

If you are new to the UNTL format, the Quick-Start Guide may be a good place to start for a general overview with highlighted notes and suggestions about approaching metadata.

Field Guide

Each of the input guideline pages is divided into the following sections:

  • Element Name: Name of element that is used in the public display.

  • Definition: A brief statement that represents or defines the element.

  • Where Can the [Element] Information be Found?: Where to find the information for the field.

  • How [Element] Works in the Metadata Form: The kinds of fields in the element and whether or not the element repeats.

  • How Should the [Element] be Filled in?: Detailed usage notes, explanations, and clarifications of exceptions that facilitate understanding and practical application of the element.

  • Other Examples: Sample values for the field.

  • Comments: Additional information about the element, including intended use or how values may be obtained.

  • Resources: Links to relevant vocabularies or tools that may be useful for the particular field.

Metadata Input Guidelines: